Enter a contest by telling your engagement story and you could win $1500 toward your wedding photography with me! All you have to do is visit the link above and submit your story! Good Luck!
Today is Blog Action Day 2008 and the topic this year is "Poverty."
Since this is a photo blog, I have decided to share with you a photo of the baby boy I am sponsoring through the Christian Children's Fund (CCF). His name is Esteban and he is now about 11 months old. The same age as my son. He lives in Ecuador with his mother and benefits from CCF services in a variety of ways. CCF provides services to children and families all over the world regardless of race or creed. And they do so without proselytizing any person to a faith..."rather it's name is derived from it's founder, a Presbyterian minister who believed in 'Christian principles,' such as 'love thy neighbor as thyself.'" In honor of Blog Action Day 2008 - Poverty, today I will donate an item from CCF's Gifts of Love and Hope Catalog. In this catalog, you can choose a specific item that will ease the burden of poverty. As stated in their catalog, "Each item you choose will be purchased in that country as described in our catalog and given to children and their families in our circle of care." To participate in Blog Action Day 2008 - Poverty, visit the ANY of the links above and DO something...anything. Thanks for your participation.